Bodybuilding Trainin...

Hardcore bodybuilder, more than 25 years in the game, advisor to “Olympians and Champions”, steroid writer, author of two anabolic steroid best selling books, steroids and bodybuilding magazine publisher, “feared” by the Weider family, bodybuilding and anabolic steroids...

Bodybuilding Tips Di...

Under the heightened suggestible state of hypnosis, intense rigidity or contractions can be produced, for example the stage trick wherein the subject is stretched between two chairs supported only by the head and ankles and yet in this unbending state he can support one or more people standing...

Get Paid for your Bi...

Leisure centers, sports grounds, swimming pools, recreation assistants, sports development officers, marketing events/ promotions and many media jobs. FIRST BECOME QUALIFIED. Once you have decided that the Fitness / Health / Bodybuilding industry is for you, you will require a solid...

Toning Up Versus Bui...

Very frequently I hear women at the gym state that they are not trying to build muscle, but that they are just trying to “get toned.” Then I watch as they proceed to pick up two pencils and work their biceps like crazy. I’m actually joking about the two pencils, but what...

Women and Fitness Bo...

One of the biggest myths out there is the myth of women growing big muscles if they lift weights or get into weight training. Old myths are hard to get rid of. I have heard many times from women who haven’t even lifted barbell weight in their life state that they don’t lift weights because...

Fitness and Health f...

Only a few years ago, it was weird for women to enter the confines of the weight room of a gym. Instead, women were restricted to aerobics, jazzercise, walking and many other similar types of exercise to lose weights. But, nowadays, lots of women have no second thoughts in pumping iron along...