Interval Training Is...

If you are doing the recommended 20 minutes of cardio a day then congratulations, but are you really getting the maximal results? It is great if you can run straight for 20 minutes but this alone is not the best cardio workout you can get. It has been shown that interval training is key to...

Get Fit in 60 minute...

Get fit in 60 minutes per day (or less) This is an interesting topic for me, it conjures up headlines from the gossip magazines you can’t help but gaze upon while in the check out line at the grocery store. “Firm buns in 7 minutes” or “The best fat burning secrets revealed”! Most of...

Women Should Slow It...

A great way to challenge your workout and really get your muscles to bulk a bit is to spend more time on your actual movements. Instead of doing fast reps with small to medium weight to exhaustions try this technique: make your movements take 3-5 counts in both directions. For example, when...

Women Diet Should In...

If you have ever read a fitness magazine chances are you have read that it is better to eat 6 meals a day then 3. The experts behind this idea are really on to something and I highly suggest eating more meals, that is right more meals, over the traditional 3 meals. If you are beginning to...

5 Tips For Women To ...

We all want to gain muscle but not many women actually know how to do it. Well I am going to fill you in on a few tricks of the trade to help you be successful. No one wants to sweat to death at the gym only to see no results! So without further delay here are 5 tips for women to build...

Top Secret: How the ...

With all the Easter eggs this bunny has to deliver, it?s hard for him to find the time to stay fit. And for the Easter bunny he?s got to stay fit to be super efficient on his big day (Easter). But today I?ll share with you an important type of training Mr. Bunny does to prepare for...