Develop The Correct ...

The woman golfer has a myriad of questions on how to develop the correct golf swing as does most any amateur. The questions from woman golfers center on a myriad of topics such as; how to hit the golf ball farther, how to develop a more repeatable golf swing, how do I hit half shots with my...

My Flab to Fab in Fi...

Ok, so you just got done reading the latest monthly issue of your favorite fitness and health magazine about the newest and latest exercise program and you are more confused than ever on what is the best way to Get in Shape, Build Muscle and Burn Fat for Life. What really is the best and most...

Fitness Woman –...

It’s a well known fact that women put the needs of their family in front of their own needs. With our way too busy lives it’s tough to become a fitness woman but you really need to make it a priority and take some time for yourself. As we get older our metabolism slows down and...

Is a Fitness Franchi...

Fitness franchises are among the most popular type of franchise businesses. When you own your own fitness franchise, you’ll be tapping into a major need for the vast majority of the population. Each year more and more people want to lose weight and get in shape. As the nation looks at...

7 Ways for Women to ...

7 Ways for Women to Stay Motivated for Fitness Here are seven ways you can maintain motivation for fitness. As Fall and winter approach, there are many ways to be fit,but how to get motivated you ask?Use the following 7 steps consistently, and you will begin to see the benefits to staying...

Healthy Women Need t...

Exercise is very beneficial for women of all age group. Exercise brings health as well as fitness in women. Doing regular exercise find it easy to cope up with changes taking place in body in different stage of life. Regardless of age physically activeness is tremendous, and is extremely...