Best Fish Oil And Why You Need Omega 3 Fatty Acids

So just what is omega 3 exactly? Well, it is a special type of fat that is essential to the human body and has a very wide range of health benefits.We consume half of what we were taking in at the beginning of the nineteenth century. This is generally because most of us are eating less fish and seeds, which just happen to be two of the main omega 3 sources.The government has not yet set any recommended daily intake however, 1000mg a day is suggested. If you don’t eat fish or seeds on a regular basis, you should take a purified fish oil suppliment.I personally claim to use the best fish oil on the market and my wife and I take 2000mg a day.Fish oil is very closely controlled and the best fish oil should contain more DHA (Docasa Hexanenoic Acid) than EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) fatty acids. There are numerous reasons for this but I don’t want to start getting scientific. At the end of this article you will find a link to all the important facts about omega 3 fatty acids.How do you use the best fish oil and how can you be sure that you are getting the recommended amount of omega 3 fats? You can increase your levels of omega 3 fatty acids by eating more oily fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout or tuna. But please, no tinned tuna. For the Veggies out there, you can find your omega 3 in flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds and walnuts. Marine algae is also a good source that can be bought as a suppliment.If you eat eggs from chickens that have been fed with flaxseeds, then obviously your breakfast egg contains omega 3.Whenever I tell anyone that they should eat more fish or increase their intake of omega 3 fatty acids, the reactions or excuses are almost always the same. To expensive, I can’t eat so much fish, I don’t like fish, or I don’t want to smell fishy! There are a thousand other excuses but these are the main ones. If they would only stop and consider one fact, “the human brain is comprised of 60% fats, and approximately half of those fats are DHA omega 3”.For less than $20 for a months supply of the best fish oil, for anyone that cares about his or her health, it’s a no brainer.How do you know whether you are lacking omega 3 fatty acids? If you have dry skin, if your hair is dry and you have dandruff. Is your memory getting worse? If you are studying and have learning difficulties or always get excessively thirsty. Do you have eczema or arthritis? Have you got high blood pressure or high levels of cholesterol? If you are suffering with any of the mentioned, you could be missing omega-3 fats in your diet.Facts are, that omega-3 fats combat heart disease, lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. A studie on the topic of depression, proved patients taking omega-3 suppliments could count an improvement of 51%. This is more than double the results achieved by anti-depressants.In 2007 the journal Pain gave out a review of 17 trials assessing the pain relieving effects of omega-3. It had reduced the pain by an average of 29 per cent, morning stiffness by 43 per cent and painkiller dependance by 40 per cent.There are studies that support the mental benefits of omega-3 for all ages. Brain development and IQ can be enhanced by babies; hyper activity reduced in children and the supplimentation can also protect against cognitive decline in older people.To summarize here. We should all be receiving our recommended daily ammount of these very essential omega-3 fatty acids. Apart from that, we should also make sure that our loved ones realise just how important it is to have a regular intake of the best fish oil we can get our hands on.Do yourself and your family a great favour and read the free report offered here from xtend-life natural products. I promise, you won’t regret having the knowledge you have on this topic after doing so.

The author studied natural medicine in the German Paracelsus School in Lower Saxony. His main subject was the use of natural medicine in the fight against illness, disease and sport injuries.
For more sizzling hot info on omega-3 and just how vital these essential fats are for you, visit:
Best Omega 3 Fish Oil
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