The Benefits of Weight Lifting for Women

Many women consider cardio to be their sole source of exercise, however they are missing out on the many benefits of resistance exercise.

Weight lifting improves metabolism in two ways. It incorporates more muscle fibers when performed, therefore you will notice a gentle boost in metabolism for up to 48 hours after a weight lifting workout. Cardio only boosts metabolism for 1-2 hours afterwards. Also, weight lifting builds muscle mass which requires more energy to maintain than body fat. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you need to maintain it. Another addition is that when you do cardio exercise you will be burning more calories because of the additional muscle mass.

Weight lifting sculpts your physique and keeps your womanly shape. Ever see those women with tiny waists, rounded backsides and shapely legs? They didn’t build that doing endless amounts of cardio! If you want to sculpt the muscle, you need to stimulate it to grow with resistance training. No, you will not look like a man! Women do not have the proper amount of hormones to build a bulky physique. So don’t be afraid to pick up those heavy weights and give your muscles a challenge.

Weight-bearing exercise is proven to build bone density. Women who train with weights have lower incidences of osteoporosis as they get older and suffer from less fracture breaks. Combined with calcium and other minerals, weight lifting is a staple for building bones.

Weight lifting builds confidence and self-esteem. According to a recent study, women who weight train are more likely to be self-confident, assertive, goal-oriented, and have higher self-esteem. They are more likely to consider themselves successful and have more fulfilling relationships.

With so many benefits of weight lifting, what are you waiting for?

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