Part Of Being a Success is Taking Care of Your Health

Part of Being a Success in life requires doing things that you don’t always feel like doing. The alarm clock went off this morning at 5:15am like it does every day Monday Thru Friday. I was very cozy in bed, my wife next to my side and the last thing I wanted to do was slide out of the covers put on my gym clothes and hit the cardio deck and the power room.Over the years I have gotten to know myself pretty well. Over the preceding years, procrastination had kept me from obtaining a lot of my goals, dreams and wishes. There were many days that the alarm went off and I either “snoozed it to death” or by no means made it to the gym. I made excuses like, “I’ll just go tommorrow and work out specially hard” or “I will make up for it over the weekend”.You see, I was only cheating in my opinion. You know why? Because tomorrow is the day you were supposed to do the things you promised yourself your were going to do the day before. In other words tomorrow never comes.Being that all of my work is done from the comfort of my own home, it’s real easy to slack off now and again. But I learned over the time that I was not going to take excuses from myself. I made a self-pact long ago, never to put off what can be done right now. I have always belonged to a gym for as long as I can remember.As I have gotten older (37), I make it a point to take care of myself. Being successful is not just about big houses , fancy cars and a bank account full of cash. It is more about how you feel on the inside and how you show on the outside. I make it a point to eat right, take amazing suppliments, work out and get lots of sleep.I mean what good is it if you live a long life, are not constrained by time or money, and your body falls apart because of neglect. No good right?I guess the point I am trying to get across here is get uncomfortable. Do the things that you know you should be doing and do it with a great attitude. Even if your not into going to the gym, get up and take a walk around the neighborhood. I heard once that walking resets your body’s cells. It’s like the refresh key on your browser. It makes everything ok.Make it a great day,Joshua Boxer

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